
Gunsmith 76437

A small mod to help with the S.T.A.L.K.E.R economy, and add some use to the Gunsmith Kit.

A small mod to help with the S.T.A.L.K.E.R economy, and add some variety to the Gunsmith Kit and how damaged weapons are handled.

  • Weapons can now repair all the way to 100% durability, instead of 75%, with the Gunsmith Kit.

  • The Gunsmith Kit only repairs 5% by itself each use. By itself, a Gunsmith Kit can only repair up to 15%.
  • Re-enabled the Gunsmith UI, which allows the player to turn another weapon similar to the one they are repairing into spare parts.
  • By sacrificing a weapon for parts, the Gunsmith Kit will now repair a weapon to 25% each use like it does in Vanilla. With duplicate weapons, you get the vanilla 75% out of each kit.

  • There is a variant of this mod that gives the Gunsmith Kit 4 uses (Vanilla only has 3), giving you a max of between 20% and 100% repair depending on whether you use the kit by itself, or with duplicates.


This mod touches the itms_manager.ltx file, and the items.ltx file. Any mods that don't use those files should be fine, but this mod will break if either of those are changed (Nothing game breaking, the mod will just not work). If you want to use a mod that uses either of those files, you'll need to manually merge it, or get tool that can merge the files for you.


What does this mean? The Gunsmith kit has been given more variety, now able to repair favorite weapons, or be saved to repair duplicate weapons to sell later. A big problem with CoC was how people could repair really expensive weapons and sell them quickly, well, no longer! You'll need to get lucky to find a really well maintained weapon, or find duplicates to combine so that you don't have to be constantly buying the kits. This also gives some value to the more common weapons, and even weapons with garbage durability, as now they can be more easily found and combined to sell.

Since the cap on repairs has been lifted, you can now use the gunsmith kit to keep your favorite rifles maintained as well! As long as you don't mind the weight and/or cost. Usually, a gunsmith kit will be a little lighter than lugging around another fully kitted rifle and ammo, but if it isn't enough for I've included a version of the mod that gives you 4 uses of the kit. You can also use the kit in the field to combine rifles you find, to lower the amount of loot you need to carry, and to ready to sell by the time you get to the traders.

F.AQ/How to Use

How do I activate the UI?
Simply double click the Repair kit, and the UI will pop up!

The UI looks bad, do I have to use it?
If you like just buggily dragging the repair kit to a weapon and repairing it that way, you still can! BUT you cannot combine weapon parts with that, and the repair rate is still only 5% per use. Only do it when you have no duplicates.

I like the mod, but I want to add a use/make it repair more/less. How can I do that?

First off, thank you for not asking me to do that. To change the stats of the Gunsmith Kit, go to "\gamedata\configs\misc\items.ltx" and search for


The file is annotated, so this should be easy!

To change the amount repaired, scroll down to "repair_add_condition". The game handles this number by making 1.00 = 100% repair, so if you say wanted the kit to repair up to 10%, you would change the number from 0.05 (The amount set in this mod) to 0.10.

If you want to change the amount bonus repair you get from spare parts, look for "repair_part_bonus" directly 1 line beneath. The number works like the line above, but this number gets added to the line above, not replacing it. This means that with a base repair stat of 5%, and a bonus repair of 20% you would get 25% repair when using a duplicate weapon.

Finally, if you want to change the amount of uses you want to get, got to "max_uses". The vanilla number is set to 3, and unlike the stats above, the number is exact. Changing it to = 4 will make it = 4, and if you really wanted to you could set it to = 9999 and you would 9999 uses.

And because you were so nice, here's the annotated Gunsmith Kit stat block, in case you had difficulty finding/visualizing it:

          [itm_gunsmith_toolkit]:booster_script $spawn                                   = "devices\repair_kit_10" description                              = st_itm_gunsmith_toolkit_descr inv_name                                 = st_itm_gunsmith_toolkit inv_name_short                           = st_itm_gunsmith_toolkit can_trade                                = true quest_item                               = false cost                                     = 2400 inv_weight                               = 3.65 visual                                   = dynamics\devices\dev_instrument_1\dev_instrument_1.ogf inv_grid_width                           = 2 inv_grid_height                          = 2 inv_grid_x                               = 14 inv_grid_y                               = 10  repair_min_condition                     = 0.00 ;Min required condition to use repair_max_condition                     = 1.00 ;Max required condition to use repair_add_condition                     = 0.05 ;Amount of condition added to repaired item repair_part_bonus                        = 0.20 ;Amount bonus to add_condition if parts are used repair_use_parts                         = true ;Allows the use of lesser conditioned weapons to be used for parts to add overall bonus to repair repair_type                              = weapon ;weapon or outfit   repair_refuse                            = ;Add sections separated by commas that cannot be repaired by this item repair_only                              = ;Add sections separated by commas that exclude all sections but these repair_parts_include                     = ;Add sections of items to include to be considered repair parts repair_parts_exclude                     = ;Add sections of items to exclude from being considered repair parts  use_condition                            = true max_uses                                 = 3 remove_after_use                         = false empty_weight                             = 1.65        

Can you do this for the Outfit Toolkit/Sewing Kit?

Yes I can, but I probably won't! If you want to make it yourself, the stat block of the Sewing Kit is below, containing the same repair properties as the Gunsmith Kit. Only the repair stats have been changed to match the modded Gunsmith's Kit, everything else was kept. Just like the Gunsmith kit, you can tweak the stats to your heart's content.

I've not tested this out, or checked if it worked. The game might crash on startup, or more likely nothing will happen. Tell me if it does crash/doesn't work, and I'll see if I can fix it.

Search for "[itm_outfit_toolkit]:itm_gunsmith_toolkit" in the same file as the Gunsmith Kit's stats, and paste this over the stat block (Be sure not to paste onto other stat blocks by accident!):

          [itm_outfit_toolkit]:itm_gunsmith_toolkit description                              = st_itm_outfit_toolkit_descr inv_name                                 = st_itm_outfit_toolkit inv_name_short                           = st_itm_outfit_toolkit inv_weight                               = 1.65 visual                                   = dynamics\equipments\item_sewingkit.ogf  inv_grid_height                          = 1 inv_grid_x                               = 18 inv_grid_y                               = 23  repair_min_condition                     = 0.00 ;Min required condition to use repair_max_condition                     = 1.00 ;Max required condition to use repair_add_condition                     = 0.05 ;Amount of condition added to repaired item repair_part_bonus                        = 0.20 ;Amount bonus to add_condition if parts are used repair_use_parts                         = true ;Allows the use of lesser conditioned weapons to be used for parts to add overall bonus to repair repair_type                              = outfit ;weapon or outfit   repair_refuse                            = ;Add sections separated by commas that cannot be repaired by this item repair_only                              = ;Add sections separated by commas that exclude all sections but these repair_parts_include                     = ;Add sections of items to include to be considered repair parts repair_parts_exclude                     = ;Add sections of items to exclude from being considered repair parts  max_uses                                 = 3 empty_weight                             = 0.8        

More to follow as questions come

There are probably more uses for the mod, but you get the idea!

You're still reading!? Download, and get out of here Stalker!

Gunsmith 76437


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