
Managing Graphic Designers

Designing Your Own Letterhead

Though much of your communication is probably done electronically, your letterhead design still matters. Letterhead, now used on hard copies and on digital correspondence, is easy and fun to design on your own.

Design Your Logo

Your letterhead, whether it's for personal or for business use, is your first impression to others. A logo is a critical piece of your identity and your letterhead helps others remember you or your business. You can use your logo on everything from letterheads to business cards and mailing labels. Either hire a designer to create your logo, or try to do it yourself using online design services. You can easily download your logo for online use. However, if you want to use your creation for high quality printed items, such as letterheads, brochures and cards, you'll likely have to pay for the files that provide a high enough resolution for printing.

Online or print, you still need color. You'll notice that's the case with everything, from digital resumes to digital logos and letterheads. Sites that let you design your logo help you preview colors and combinations. Remember that color is important, and less is more. Your colors should represent your brand, personality and services, according to

Choose a Font

The font you use for your letterhead will differ from the fonts you use for the body of your documents. The font represents your company's or your own personal style, according to, an online printing service. Here's how to choose from the hundreds of available fonts, as suggested by

  • Identify the style you're after. Are you a contemporary company or one that sells vintage items? Do you want your image or brand to convey kindness, boldness or safety?
  • It's okay to choose a unique font to let others know you're making a statement and distinguishing yourself from the rest. Avoid fonts like Futura, Helvetica and Century Gothic for letterheads because they are overly used, says
  • Choose the right color and size for your font choice to make sure it's legible and cohesive.

Letterhead Templates

If you prefer, look for a template online and adapt it with your own information. Choose a template where your letterhead will go across the top, down the side or across the bottom. Then, select a theme, personalize the letterhead with additional images and edit any font details. Letterhead templates are great in that they've been already approved and carefully curated by professionals.

More Tips on Letterhead Design

Remember that your letterhead will quickly leave an impression of credibility and professionalism when it's well designed. Consider these finals tips and tricks to create the best letterhead design for your needs:

  • Reduce visual clutter on your letterhead. Take a lesson from contemporary resumes, and eliminate your street address, says
  • Remember the medium. Make sure you have a version that's the right size for digital use. You don't want it to be microscopic in case someone prints it out, says
  • When you're printing your letterhead, consider how your design will look on thick or textured paper stock, suggests


Managing Graphic Designers


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